Nanda Nandanashtakam

Nanda Nandanastakam

sucāru-vaktra-maṇḍalaḿ sukarṇa-ratna-kuṇḍalam
sucarcitāńga-candanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam

sudīrgha-netra-pańkajaḿ śikhi-śikhaṇḍa-mūrdhajam
anańga-koṭi-mohanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam

sunāsikāgra-mauktikaḿ svacchanda-danta-pańktikam
navāmbudāńga-cikkaṇaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam

kareṇa veṇu-rañjitaḿ gati-karīndra-gañjitam
dukūla-pīta-śobhanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam

tri-bhańga-deha-sundaraḿ nakha-dyuti-sudhākaram
amūlya-ratna-bhūṣaṇaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam

sugandha-ańga-saurabham uro-virāji-kaustubham
sphurac-chrīvatsa-lāñchanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam

vṛndāvana-sunāgaraḿ vilāsānuga-vāsasam
surendra-garva-mocanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam

vrajāńganā-sunāyakaḿ sadā sukha-pradāyakam
jagan-manaḥ pralobhanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam

śrī-nanda-nandanāṣṭakaḿ paṭhed yaḥ śraddhayānvitaḥ
tared bhavābdhiḿ dustaraḿ labhet tad-ańghri-yugmakam

1) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, whose face is extremely delightful, in whose beautiful ears hang jeweled earrings, and whose entire body is anointed with fragrant candana.

2) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, whose eyes are more beautiful than the fully bloomed lotus, whose head is beautifully adorned with an arrangement of peacock feathers, and who enchants millions of Cupids.

3) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, from whose beautiful nose hangs an elephant-pearl, whose teeth are immensely effulgent, whose bodily complexion is more beautiful and lustrous than a fresh rain cloud.

4) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, whose lotus hands hold the flute, whose lingering gait defeats even that of an impassioned elephant, and whose dark limbs are beautified by a yellow shawl.

5) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, whose threefold-bending posture is exquisitely elegant, the effulgence of whose toe-nails put to shame even the moon, and who wears invaluable jewels and ornaments.

6) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, whose body exudes an especially beautiful fragrance, and whose broad chest is adorned with the kaustubha jewel and the mark of srivatsa.

7) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, the expert lover of Vrindavana who performs immaculate pastimes and who is attired in clothes which are suitable for those pastimes, and who pulverized the pride of Indra.

8) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, who as the lover of the Vraja gopis perpetually delights them and who enchants the minds of all living entities.

9) Whoever regularly recites this (Sri Nanda-nandanastakam) will easily cross the seemingly insurmountable ocean of material existence and attain eternal residence at the lotus feet of Krishna.